There are many publications related to issues of race and the segregation, desegregation, and re-segregation of schools in the United States. What follows is a partial list of articles published in refereed journals and other publications with subject matter related to this project:
Amin, A. (2010). The remainders of race. Theory, Culture & Society, (27), 1-23.
Atwater, S. A. C. (2008). Waking up to difference: Teachers, color-blindness, and the effects on students of color. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 35(3), 246-253.
Auerbach, S. (2007). From moral supporters to struggling advocates reconceptualizing parent roles in education through the experience of working-class families of Color. Urban Education, 42(3), 250-283.
Blanchett, W. J. (2010). Telling it like it is: The role of race, class, & culture in the perpetuation of learning disability as a privileged category for the White middle class. Disability Studies Quarterly, 30(2).
Bryan, L. A., & Atwater, M. M. (2002). Teacher beliefs and cultural models: A challenge for science teacher preparation programs. Science Education, 86(6), 821-839.
Caruthers, L. (2005). The unfinished agenda of school desegregation: Using storytelling to deconstruct the dangerous memories of the American mind. Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association, 37, 24-40.
Caruthers, L., & Davis, D. (2006). Meeting at the crossroads: Education of the Ex-slaves and the challenges of the third generation of school desegregation. American Educational History Journal, 33 (2), 79-88.
Caruthers, L., & Poos, B. (2015). Narratives of Lincoln High School African American graduates in Kansas City, Missouri – 1955 to 1985. Journal of Black Studies, 46(6), 626-649.
Daniel, P. (2005). The not so strange path of desegregation in America’s public schools. The Negro Educational Review, 56(1), 57-66.
Davis, D., Friend, J., & Caruthers, L. (2010). The fear of color: Webb v. School District
No. 90 in Johnson County, Kansas, 1949. American Educational History Journal, 37(2).
Delpit, L. D. (2003). Educators as “seed people” growing a new future. Educational Researcher, 32(7), 14-21.
Frattura, E., & Topinka, C. (2006). Theoretical underpinnings of separate educational programs: The social justice challenge continues. Education and Urban Society, 38, 327-344.
Friend, J., & Caruthers, L. (2015). Transforming the reform agenda: A framework for including student voice in urban school renewal. Journal of Urban Learning Teaching and Research, 11, 14-25.
Friend, J., & Caruthers, L. (2012, July-August). Reconstructing the cultural context of urban schools: Listening to the voices of high school students. Educational Studies, 48(4), 366-388.
Guthrie, J. W., & Springer, M. G. (2004). Returning to square one: From Plessy to Brown and back to Plessy. Peabody Journal of Education, 79, 5-32.
Milner, H. R. (2013). Rethinking achievement gap talk in urban education. Urban Education, 48(1), 3-8.
Randolph, A. W. (2004). The memories of an all-Black Northern urban school: Good memories of leadership, teachers, and the curriculum. Urban Education, 39(6): 596-620.
Siddle-Walker, V. (2000). Valued segregated schools for African American children in the south, 1935-1969: A review of common themes and characteristics. Review of Educational Research, 70(3), 253-285. doi: 10.3102/00346543070003253
Thomas, J.C., & Hoxworth, D.H. (1991). The limits of judicial desegregation remedies after Missouri v. Jenkins. Publius, 21(3), 93-108.
Thomson, A. (1998). Fifty years on: An international perspective on oral history. The Journal of American History, 85(2), 581-595.