1955 Yearbook from Lincoln High School – courtesy of Marceline Cooley
The Lincolnian Yearbook_1955Uncategorized
Ronald Walton, R T Coles, 1949-1953

Ronald Walton attended RT Coles form 1949-1953.
Black students from surrounding areas could not attend white schools and were bused from suburban districts such as St. Joseph, Lee Summit, Independence, and other areas within approximately 30 to 50 miles of Kansas City.
Many stayed with relatives or other black families so that they would not have to endure the long rides to and from R T Coles.
Carl Evans – Complete Oral History Interview
Carl Evans served as a teacher and administrator in the Kansas City Missouri School District during the school desegregation period. He later served as an elected school board member for KCPS. This interview was conducted on July 25, 2016 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Education.
Valerie Tucker
Valerie Tucker was a parent, substitute teacher, staff employee, and community activist in the Kansas City Missouri School District during the school desegregation period. This interview was conducted on July 6, 2016 at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Education.
Dr. Loyce Caruthers – Bio

Loyce Caruthers, Ph.D.
Loyce Caruthers, Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Policy and Foundations at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, teaches courses to prepare prospective school administrators for school leadership and doctoral students to conduct qualitative research. She also serves as Coordinator of the Ed.D. in the pk-12 Education Administration Program. As a past pk-12 teacher and administrator in an urban district, Loyce’ s research involves the use of voice through narrative and critical race theory for exploring phenomena related to race, class, gender and other differences that may influence educators’ beliefs and perceptions, and ultimately their work in schools. Recent publications include a co-authored book, Great Expectations: What Kids Want from Our Urban Public Schools with a forward by Gloria Ladson-Billings. Her manuscripts on voice have appeared in the International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Journal of Black Studies, The Journal of Negro Education, American Educational History Journal, Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, Journal of the American Educational Studies Association, and Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research. Loyce serves on the REL-Central Governing Board Member and Editorial Boards of the Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research and Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association. While Loyce is heavily engaged in scholarship, her favorite moments are helping to mentor young people as school leaders and social justice advocates. She has been nominated by her colleagues and students for Outstanding Faculty Award (Interdisciplinary Doctoral Student Council and Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching Award. At the community level, she was the recipient of the Grady Ray Brown Spirit Award for Leadership Excellence and worked for a number of years to incorporate 4H After School Programming in Kansas City Public housing.